1035 Bennettsville Fire Tower Rd, Bennettsville, SC 29512
(843) 479-6501

Development Committee

Dear Parents and Dragon Friends,

We are kicking off our 2024 Annual Giving Campaign and we are asking for everyone to please donate. A gift of any amount is important to Marlboro Academy, because like most independent schools, the cost of tuition does not fully cover the cost of educating our students. Unrestricted gifts to the Annual Giving Campaign help bridge this gap between actual costs and tuition. The Campaign has become a tradition that has allowed us to keep our tuition one of the most reasonable in the state and has enabled us to make improvements and purchases for our facility.

Currently, we are selling our annual raffle tickets for one year’s tuition cost or $3,500 cash. Raffle tickets may be purchased from students, at home basketball games, or by contacting the school. The drawing will be held at the Big Bash and Benefit on March 9, 2024. You do not have to be present to win, but we hope you will plan to attend. BB&B tickets can be reserved through the main office, our school website, or Facebook.

Donations to our Annual Giving Campaign can be made by submitting a check to the school office. Memo: “Annual Giving.”

For more information, please contact the school office at 843.479.6501 or email rlackey@marlboroacademy.com.


In Dragon Spirit,

Marlboro Academy Student Body